Friday, January 23, 2015

Snow and progress

So I went up last weekend and did a little work. Got some pressure treated decking set up on front and then fiddled with the siding. I am going to do the double rock as I have it done on the back. I need to get more and go back up and stick in on. At least I need to remove everything so my screwup with the edging is fixed easier.

Toilet should be here next week.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Missteps and missing people.

There are times I really miss my dad. he was a font of knowledge, mostly because he bashed his knuckles on the same projects back in the day.  I would love to pick his brain on certain topics, and on others he might have saved me some pain.

Such as the sudden realization that I have been doing my vinyl siding wrong.

In most things, you but up the siding and then the edging to cover it. In Vinyl you need to do it the other way around since it fastens underneath.

Oh joy, undoing work to get these things in place is going to be a pain in the ass.

Also I just heard my VISA card cuss me out as I dropped the money on a Separett. Best to get it now, so that the place will be at least semi usable. Worst comes to worst I can use it on my property that septic would not work on.

So going up this weekend to deal with things such as putting decking on the front, pulling off those side railings and getting my siding on the front, and then fixing my mistakes with the Vinyl. Not necessarily in that order, but still.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Siding Ho!

I had some time off over Christmas, and wonder of all wonders my siding finally came in. I had decided to go with a weathered wood style vinyl siding from Kaycan.  The swirls in the siding match both the roof and some Polyroche fake rock that I am using to break up the huge mass there is.
Overall, I might just need to pick up another course of the rock and double it. Right now it looks good, but a second course of it might look better.

I also have ideas floating in my head for changing how I was going to frame up my front deck area. Dad did some railings and the like at the cabin out of  actual trees/logs and I might just want to copy that style for my porch. It means pulling off what I have already put in place, but the wood touch would look so much better I think. (I was planning to do something like this on the inside for my loft area, but adding some outside would tie everything together.

Ah weight. I get nervous about my frame more and more. ;)

Ah I want to get back up there and fiddle more. The snow just makes things so much harder though. I was getting nervous with my ladder.